iServe Ministries: Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens

March 30, 2015 / General Ministry

Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens has increased its intentional focus on creating a culture of servanthood within the body of the church.  After identifying needs in the community and ways that church members could get involved, Georgeann Arnold, Director of iServe Ministries, created their iServe program.  Opportunities are available to serve in a variety of capacities and commitment levels with neighbors, seniors, children and New Americans.  Church members already shared the foundational value of serving, but this program both emphasizes the importance of serving in response to Jesus’ love and streamlines the method to get involved.

The core of iServe Ministries is relationships, rather than number-driven, whether between team members, with their team leaders, or with the people they serve, transforming relationships are the crux of iServe’s impact.  While this growth is a process, the hope is that individuals will take the initiative to develop the relationships begun out of a ministry opportunity to continue further through the love of Jesus Christ.

Even in the few months since its inception, a culture of serving is developing.  Congregants are excited to find creative ways to serve, and as new small groups are formed, they’re charged with the call to be servant-based.

One of the exciting developments has been a growing community awareness and appreciation for Webster Gardens’ service.  The church has developed relationships with local city code enforcers and are quickly becoming known for their home services for people who may otherwise have received citations.  Relationships are forming with both community leaders and members in ways not seen before.

Send Me St. Louis has been able to serve as a resource for staff members of Webster Gardens in the process of creating this program with trainings, networking opportunities, and individual consultation.

Georgeann hopes that in the future as people drive by, they will point the church out to others as one that serves in the name of Jesus.  It has been a challenging process, but she affirms how they have seen God’s provision through it all and is excited for what the future holds.  Imagine the possibilities if churches come together to reach out to the whole community!