Timely Topic #2: This Crisis is STILL an Opportunity to Re-imagine Your Ministry
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
9:00am - 10:00am
Online via Zoom
To better respond to the changing needs of our churches and organizations, Send Me has paused some trainings we planned to hold this fall, and for the remainder of 2020 will introduce Timely Topics. We will be listening to our network and community context to inform content, format, and quantity of these trainings.
TIMELY TOPIC #2: This Crisis is STILL an Opportunity to Re-imagine Your Ministry
The overlapping crises and simmering tensions in our country can easily create a sense of fatigue and helplessness, but be encouraged, we serve a God who is in the business of bringing forth new life amidst brokenness. While the chaos of life may tempt you to hunker down and wait it out, this moment is still an opportunity to critically reflect on your church or organization. Join Send Me for the chance to hear from Sarah Buek, Founder and Principal of The IllumiLab, as she shares insights on how even as this season drags on, there is still time to discover new opportunities and engage in productive reflection about your ministry.