NEW DATE! The Power of Clear and Consistent Messaging
Thursday, April 28, 2022
9:00am - 12:00pm
Lutheran Hour Ministries (660 Mason Ridge Center Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141)
We’ve all heard we need to know our WHY and communicate it clearly, but how?
Seth Hinz, Director of Marketing and Creative at Pathfinder Church and a Certified StoryBrand Guide, will help you clarify your church or organization’s message to invite people more effectively into the ministry and experience greater levels of impact.
During this interactive presentation, you will have ample time for answering and workshopping the key questions associated with Seth’s framework. We encourage you to bring another person from your church or organization to gain the most from the experience.
Location and COVID protocol subject to change based on state of COVID-19 in our community. Please watch our emails and website for any updates.
Thanks for your understanding as we all work to keep our community safe.