Leading Towards Culture Change: Practical Application

Matt Miller

Leading Towards Culture Change: Practical Application

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
9:00am - 11:30am

Immanuel Lutheran Church - Olivette, MO

High Value, No Cost!

Last spring, Send Me St. Louis hosted a session on how church/organization culture impacts outreach, and how to alter or clarify your mission, vision, values, and strategy in order to engage in more effective ministry. This fall, Professor Todd Jones from Concordia Seminary St. Louis will join us again for a more in-depth look at the practice of leading towards culture change and how to put strategies and principles into action.

 Todd Jones is the Director of Resident Field Education and an Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He teaches a variety of core courses in the curriculum, as well as elective courses in church planting and congregational revitalization. He also assists congregations as a consultant focusing on staff development, strategic planning, and church planting.