Change Readiness & Leading Towards Culture Change

Matt Miller

Change Readiness & Leading Towards Culture Change

Thursday, March 17, 2016
9:00am - 11:00am

Lutheran Hour Ministries (660 Mason Ridge Center Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141)

High Value, No Cost!

Is your church or organization in need of a change that goes beyond the surface? Are you ready to take the necessary steps to move toward a new reality? Need clarity on your role as a leader in the culture-change process? Come learn how culture impacts outreach, and how to alter or clarify your mission, values, vision, and strategy in order to engage in more effective ministry.

Guest Presenters:

Todd Jones is an assistant professor in the Practical Development department at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. He teaches a variety of core courses in the curriculum, as well as elective courses in church planting and congregational revitalization. He also assists congregations as a consultant focusing on staff development, strategic planning, and church planting.

Michael Zeigler is the Pastor at Epiphany Lutheran Church. He is currently in the trenches, leading his church towards a greater level of engagement in the community! He also serves part-time as an Air Force Reserve officer and as a guest instructor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO.